Light Painting Mode

Light painting mode

Light painting with your HUAWEI device

One of the coolest features of your HUAWEI device camera is its dedicated light painting mode. Light painting is a photographic technique that uses moving light sources and long exposure times either to illuminate a scene or to add new elements within the photo.

The light painting mode offered by HUAWEI automatically sets a slow shutter speed and adjusts the aperture, so you don't have to manually modify any setting. Depending on the subject and the lighting conditions, you can capture light trails or create light graffiti, for awesome photos everyone will envy you for.

Light painting

To activate this mode open the Camera, go to More and select Light Painting. Now you can choose between one of the available options.

Step 1

Open Camera

Step 2

Go to More

Step 3

Light Painting

Open Camera

Go to More

Select Light Painting

Light Graffiti Mode

Light graffiti mode

Paint with light using the Light graffiti feature

Light graffiti allows you to draw different shapes or even write words by moving a light source in front of the camera.

Find a dark environment, without any distracting light sources and make sure the subject's silhouette is not visible; if you want to capture the subject as well, activate the flash.

For best results, we recommend placing the device on a tripod or a solid surface so that it does not move during the shooting. Then choose an appropriate light source, like a small flashlight or a glowing stick and move it in front of the camera.

Light graffiti mode

To use this feature, open the Camera , swipe to More and select Light Painting. Here choose Light Graffiti.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Open the Camera

Go to More

Select Light Painting

Choose Light Graffiti

Open the Camera

Swipe to More

Select Light Painting

Choose Light Graffiti

Light graffiti mode

Tap to start taking the picture. Check your result in the viewfinder and, when you are finished, touch to stop shooting.

Light Trails Mode

Light trails mode

How to shoot light trails with your HUAWEI device

With Traffic trails, you can shoot artistic photos of car lights at night. Find a spot where you can see the traffic; make sure the headlights of the cars do not face the camera directly, as this can cause overexposure.

For best results, we recommend using a tripod to reduce the camera movement during the shooting.

Light trails mode

To activate this mode open the Camera , go to More and select Light Painting. Here choose Traffic Trails.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4

Open the Camera

Go to More

Select Light Painting

Choose Traffic Trails

Open the Camera

Go to More

Select Light Painting

Choose Traffic Trails

Light trails mode

After setting everything up, tap to start taking the picture. A preview of the image is displayed in the viewfinder. When you are satisfied with the result, press to finish shooting.

Silky Water Mode

Silky water mode is perfect when you want to take smooth photos of waterfalls and rivers.

Hold your phone steady and tap to start shooting. Check the timer in the viewfinder and when you are happy with the result press to finish taking the picture.

Star Trails Mode

With Star trails you can capture the movement of the stars on the night sky. For best results, use this mode on a clear night, in a location free of light pollution and with an unobstructed view of the sky. Also, use a tripod to reduce the camera movement.

Hold the phone steady and tap to start shooting. Check the result in the viewfinder and, when you are done, touch to stop shooting.